Friday, April 21, 2006

...even when it doesn't come easy....

I sat here for a while today starring at the screen and the blinking cursor. Just looking for some inspiration to write and coming up with nothing, I'm thinking it's been three days since my last entry I have to jot something down, but I'm a writer I can't just write just anything just because, no one will comeback when I do have something to say, if I do that. So I stare at the screen some more and still nothing comes. I decide to check my emails as an escape.
There was an email from my cousin Robin reminding me about a revival next week at her church asking me to help spread the word and they she said
"Where is your daily devotion? I got that one, enjoyed it and that was it......" Referring to my praise report I wrote Tuesday and emailed her the link.
I emailed her back asking her to pray for me that I was trying to get better. I even hid behind the introduction to this blog where I wrote "please except the term 'daily' in the title loosely as it will be more like 2-3 times a week in the beginning" as an excuse for not giving God a few minutes on here today.
A lot of times I find that I procrastinate and won't write unless I'm inspired, unless something comes to me easily. Often I can just sit behind the computer or pick up a pen and the words coming pouring out, they just seem to flow out of me with little effort, and those that read what I wrote comment on how they felt it. The problem with not doin my devotion 'daily' and just when I feel it, is it gets easier and easier to say I will do it tomorrow. Tomorrow sometimes becomes the day after or the day after that. That might not seem like a big deal to those reading this, except for the fact, God has a method to everything He does. We never know when He is goin to use us to be an inspiration or blessing to someone else, someone we may never even know about. The fact that I received her emails asking when my next entry will be should be all the inspiration I need but sometimes it wasn't. I still had to work hard at this one.
I read my daily devotional The Upper Room earlier and it was talking about the parable of the sower; the story of the farmer scattering seeds, in Matthew 13.
while that parable dealt with what kind of soil are you, I realized we are expected to sow seed even when its not convenient and doesn't just come easy to us. We are expected to sow seed when its difficult. We expect God to answer our prayers and enlarge our territory but are we willing to do our part. Speaking for myself I know I am often guilty of not doin my part but expect god to do His. My pastor often says God doesn't just want our spare time, but He wants us to make time for him. Today's entry is my attempt of doin just that.

Do you only do God's will when it it easy or convenient?
Do you only make time for God when you have a few spare moments?
If so that could be a dangerous thing, just think if God decided he didn't have time for you today, or only made time for you when it was convenient.
Father God
deliver us from the strongholds that hold us back. Please forgive us for those times when we seem to be preoccupied and sometime forget to give you your time. When we are like seeds of wayward ground, that's needs to be cleared for your word to take root. Remove the thorns and rocks and prepare our heart to bear fruit for you Father God, especially when its not easy. Remind us its not a one-time task. Help us to become like good soil cause it will be worth our every effort when harvesttime comes.
In the name of your son Jesus Christ
who is also known as the savior.


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