Being a Christian Should Mean Something
Being a Christian Should Mean Something
It seems as if being a Christian, nowadays, is popular. Christian songs are played on the radio along with secular songs, there are more Christian movies being made. Being a Christian, these days, is the “in thing to do.” We all got the “victory,” right?
Recently I spoke to young women at a high school about abstinence. A student asked me why I practiced abstinence, and I told her that it was because I am a Christian. Once I made that statement, some students clapped, and others who, two minutes earlier, bragged about being sexually active raised their hands and shouted, “I’m a Christian, too!” I was surprised how those same students who had just told me things I didn’t even know about sex were proudly professing Christianity.
I must admit, I was a little confused, and disappointed at the same time. Being a Christian should mean something. Being a Christian should mean you are not sexually active until marriage. Being a Christian should mean you’re not perfect, but you’re striving to be Christ-like. Being a Christian should mean you’re forgiven. You’re forgiven, but you don’t take advantage of God’s grace by treating it like a credit card, sin now – repent later.
Being a Christian should mean you may miss it at times, but you don’t set out to miss it. In other words, you don’t plan to “get some” later tonight all in the name of “Well, God knows my heart.” Being a Christian should mean you recognize Jesus as your Savior, and the Lord of your life, and that you allow His Word to dictate your lifestyle. God said if you love me, keep my commandments. God showed His love for mankind by sending His Son, Jesus, to die for our sins. Let’s show God our love for Him by obeying His Word, and by allowing our Christian nametag to actually mean something.
Being a CHRISTian should mean something. Talk to your teens - especially the girls. Don't let the world influence them - let the Word influence them. They are daughter's of the King. As author Dr. Gail Hayes says, "our girls are precious, pretty and powerful. Tell them to keep their heads up so their crowns won't fall off!"
Be impactful,
Pam Perry
Ministry Marketing Solutions, Inc.
Ministry Marketing Solutions, Inc.
voice: 248.426-2300