Monday, May 01, 2006


Last week I started a new job. This was in addition to the nightly part time job I had at the local supermarket. Wednesday thru Friday a pastor I knew of in New York was in town to preach a revival at our sister church. I heard many say, I wanna go but I'm working and be tired when I get home and I gotta admit I can relate.
But my desire to see Rev. W. Darin Moore was more than my desire to get some much needed rest.
Wednesday morning I went to work at 7:30am - 6pm, washed up and went to revival from 7-9ish, then took a shower and went to work at Kroger supermarket from 10pm-6:30am. No sleep, now its Thursday morning, I took my shower and went to work at 8am-6pm. Got off changed clothes in the church bathroom at 7pm helped that church's sound ministry at the revival and got home around 9:30ish. Went to work Thursday night 11pm- 6am and did it all over again on Friday. Worked 8am-6:30pm, went to the revival from 7-9:30ish and then went home. Now I never did go in Friday night to get a couple extra hours like I intended, cause I passed out on the cough callin' myself watching some of the NBA playoffs.

I used to often fall asleep in church but no matter how much I worked and how little to no sleep I received those three days, I was alert and attentive and received the preached word. What amazed me more was how much energy I had and how good I felt despite the lack of sleep, and I was truly blessed by the word which did just what it was intended to do, revive my soul.

Now had I listened to the flesh no one would have blamed my for goin home and sleeping between jobs instead of goin to the revival. But had I did that I was have missed the daily message that was like God was speaking directly to me. I didn't know how I would do it but I just prayed for the energy and God blessed me while He ministered to me through Rev. Moore.

Not only did the word speak to me and I got my praise on, but I think it was an important decision in my life in truly making time for God. Even writing this entry after comin home from Kroger with 2 hours before I need to be at work, I could be resting but I'm choosing to give God His time, be obedient in writing this and prayfully it will be a blessing to someone else.

Do you give God his time, daily? Do you read your bible daily, meditate, do a daily devotion or just take a few minutes out of your day for your heavenly Father? If not what is your excuse!
What if you were praying for the Lords help one day and he was to busy for you one day and never answered that pray.
Give God His time
and He will revive you and give you all the energy you need to do His will.

Praise God!
Have a blessed day!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was proud to see that Darin is still holding up the torch for God.

Cuz Janice

May 24, 2006 6:04 PM  

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