Sunday, September 09, 2007

Hearing The Sermon Again- part 2

A few months ago I wrote about Hearing The Sermon Again, see:
I’m reminded of this entry after goin to Decatur AME Zion Church, this past Friday night to support my pastor who was preaching the opening service of the District Conference. My pastor, Dr. George D. Crenshaw, preached on the topic, God Is Up To Something, the supporting scripture was Jeremiah 29:4-11(read it at your leisure, when you get a chance). He preached this very sermon on Sunday, July 8th at our church, Shaw Temple AME Zion Church. I heard the sermon twice that day, both at the 8 and 11am services, took the CD home to listen to it, to check the quality of the CD and determine what we could do to continue to make the CDs better.
I listened to the service at least 2 more times because I loved the message but it wasn’t until this past Friday night when pastor preached it again, at the District Conference did I really hear the message in the sermon. I don’t know if he preached it any different, if the spirit was moving through him more that evening or what, but Friday evening the message moved me in a way it hadn’t the previous 5 times or so I had listened to it.
While Gods words were coming out my pastors mouth, all I could do was look up and say, “God, I hear you,” because I knew He was talking directly to me. The message moved me so much that if I hadn’t already given my life to Christ I would have that night. After the service I went up to the alter during the pray and just thanked God for hitting me with the word again and that I didn’t have to go years before hearing it again and for it to sink in.
I discussed this with a few family members and friends from church and saw that I am not alone. Some of them shared with me they often need to hear the sermon again and again before they really get it fully or to hear something important the missed the first few times. I felt better that it wasn’t just me and had to share it with you all on this blog, today.
My question to you is how many times does God give you a word that you don’t fully receive or fully hear the first time? How many times do you have to “Hear The Sermon Again,” before you get the message.
Isn’t it amazing how God works and how he will feed you in repetition to make sure His word for you is received?

Thank you Lord for not holding it against me for not getting it the first few time and giving me another opportunity to
Hear The Sermon Again.
Please continue to guide my path and order my steps in your word.
In the name of you Son,
Jesus Christ,

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